
必尔得, 作为世界上先进制作和播放节目的代表, 非常注重它在中国员工素质和意识的培养. 从6月份开始, 它邀请具有丰富国际广播电台运作经验的法国\澳大利亚\英国的专业人士, 陆续在北京上海和广州举办针对电台的 "广播电台销售" "广播电台节目"(节目制作\音乐编辑\节目推广), "广播节目推广"等等系列研讨会. 60多位参与此研讨会的必尔得中外员工及合作伙伴国际广播电台\上海人民广播电台的人员, 了解了音乐广播电台的发展历史, 世界上最先进广播电台的运作方式, 我们的节目和世界其他电台节目存在的差异以及未来广播发展的前景等等. 我们确信通过此次研讨会, 不仅增进了各部门员工的了解.合作, 而且 使大家对未来充满信心.

Beat Media, one of the top radio specialists in China, pays a great deal of attention to its broadcasting quality, as well as staff training. It invited the most experienced radio specialists and experts from France, Australia, the USA and the UK to hold sales seminars, program seminars, promotion seminars in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou respectively, in both June and July. Our thanks go to the Beijing Harbour Plaza Hotel and the Shanghai International Convention Center Hotel, which provided us with wonderful meeting facilities, as well as room accommodation for us to conduct very concentrated training. Over 60 members of staff, plus staff from our partners such as China Radio International, Radio Shanghai and Radio Guangzhou II attended these seminars. We not only discussed the history of music radio, both in China and in the international arena, but gained new perspectives and exchanged professional experience.


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